What I did for someone: Is when a little girl got pushed down on the field by a person I helped her up. So I told the little girl to play with someone in her class. Then I told the other person to play with someone else and he did.
What someone did for me: Is when Jessica helped me when Mary was yelling at me on the playground because I was talking to Dashana. Then Jessica stopped the yelling . She never did it again and I was glad .
What is the kindness boomerang: The kindness boomerang is when you help someone that needs help. Then it carries on and on. Then it comes back to you at the end .
Another thing I did for someone else: Is for my sister Paige.
I helped her with Hannah that was being mean to her because she didn’t win the race. I told Hannah to play somewhere else.
Here is my kindness boomerang writing.